The Shifts tab allows you to view and create Shifts, which define the most common start and end times employees may be assigned to in your rosters.
You can have as many shifts as you need to cover your standard start and end times. These default start and end times will be used when creating Roster Plans, but can still be edited on individual shifts as needed when your roster is loaded.
To make a new shift, go to Manage > Shifts > New Shift. Set a Shift Name and the Start Time and End Time.
Under Additional Settings, you can also manage the following settings:
Default Break Duration - The duration of unpaid break(s) employees should take when working this shift. If an employee clocks in and out for this Shift but doesn't record a break using the time clock, the default break duration will be applied. If they do take a break using the time clock their recorded break time will be used instead.
Hide End Time - If you want employees rostered onto this shift to work until required rather than only until the nominated end time, you can tick 'Hide End Time'. This will mean that anywhere the employee would see this shift (in emailed rosters, via the Employee Mobile App, or in printed PDF copies of your Published Rosters) the end time will display as 'REQ' instead. For example, the shift above would show "06:00PM - REQ".
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