Teams help you define groups of employees who are rostered together, or who clock in and out of the same device. Teams will usually represent different departments or store locations within your business.
If you roster all employees at once or have everyone clocking in and out of a single location you may only have one team.
People must be included in their appropriate teams in order to be rostered, so teams are an essential part of your Droppah workflow. You can add or edit teams via Manage > Teams.
To create a new team, go to Manage > Teams and click New Team.
Add a Team Name, enter an address if desired and specify a Default Work Group.
The Default Work Group will be used for recording time if an employee clocks in when they aren't rostered to work.
Finally, add the Managers and People you need in each team, then click Save. People can be included in multiple teams.
By setting budgets on your teams, Droppah can track your actual labour costs against estimated revenue and expected labour costs. Pop into a team and click the + Set Budget button to begin adding budget information.
Your projected labour percentage for each day will be automatically calculated based on the details entered in the following fields:
- Revenue - Your projected revenue for the day
- Labour Cost - The total labour cost for the day
Once your budget has been set, you’ll be able to view the rostered and actual cost-to-revenue ratios, as well as how they compare to your projected labour percentages, in the Calendar > Rosters tab via the Daily Summary. Learn more here: Loading Rosters with Droppah
If you've integrated with Lightspeed, revenue details will automatically populate on your rosters and teams as orders are completed throughout the day. See more details here: Lightspeed Integration
Team Views
Companies with multiple teams will be able to choose whether their Time, Live and Calendar views display information for a single team (useful for managing rosters for a particular site, or clocking in at a specific location), or all teams. To switch between all teams or a particular team, simply tap on the current team name to expand the navigation bar:
Archiving Teams
To remove a team you no longer need, click into it and open the options menu in the top right, then click Archive.
To view archived teams, open the options menu in Manage > Teams and toggle on Show Archived Teams. Previously archived teams will display an archive icon next to their name.
To restore an archived team, click Restore.
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