What's New
Calendar Weekly Totals - A new Weekly Totals drop-down at the top of the Calendar page replaces all other weekly totals previously displayed in the various Calendar views. Choose the totals that matter to you and these will display at the top of all pages, based on the Team and any Filters you apply.
Copy Shifts - You can now copy a shift from one employee to another in the Resources View or the individual day view. Simply hold down Ctrl on Windows or Cmd on iOS then click and drag the shift to the person you wish to copy it to.
Hide Shift End Times - A new 'Hide End Time' option is now available on Shifts in Droppah. When ticked, anywhere your employees would see their roster (PDF downloads, emailed rosters, mobile app) will display as "5:00PM - REQ".
Pinned People - You can now pin people to the top of the Resources View and Timesheet View - simply hover over the user icon to the left of their name and click the star to pin them to the top of the page. This is a company-wide setting that will apply for all admins and managers who can see the pinned employees.
- View Shifts for other Teams - Managers or admins viewing a single team will now be able to see greyed-out details for any shifts where a team member has been rostered onto another team.
Multi-Search - The search bar has been upgraded to accommodate multiple search terms for the same category. For example, you can now search for two different Teams or Work Groups or People and the results will be returned for both Teams/Work Groups/People.
Hide People Without Time - The 'Hide People Without Rostered Time' and 'Hide People Without Time' filters have been consolidated into a single 'Hide People Without Time' option which will hide any employees who have neither timesheets nor rostered shifts. This filter now correctly displays on the Resources View, not just in the individual day view.
Individual Day View - Improvements to the individual day view, which can be accessed by clicking the date at the top of a day in the Resources View:
- Shifts can now be dragged between employees, just like the main Resources page.
- When dragging the start or end of a shift to adjust the start/end time, the new start/end time will be displayed.
- This view can now also be accessed from the Timesheet View.
PayHero Pay Rates Locked - The pay rate field on People will be disabled for companies integrated with PayHero. This helps to avoid confusion as this field must always be updated via PayHero.
Roster Emails - Roster emails sent to employees will now show all of their published shifts regardless of which team’s roster was being published, as well as now specifying which team each shift is for.
- General Improvements - General design and UX changes to improve consistency throughout the different views.
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